Demo: Cinema booking page with social distancing
This is a small training project that initially was meant to allow people to buy tickets to the cinema but with some additional logic implemented. Not long ago I went to the cinema with my friends (5 of us), we bought tickets online and so when I saw the cinema's "pandemic style" app for buying tickets it left me with some questions. The thing is, they blocked every third chair to make some distance between people and that's it. As a result, we bought 2 sets of 2 seats and 1 of 2 from the third pair. That means that we occupied a total of 8 seats (including 2 blocked for distancing) for 5 people and could in fact seat in any of those. Well, that might be not bad for social distance but not good either for the optimal seat usage.
So, I thought that would be a nice touch to this simple project to add here some logic for basic social distancing with a bit of optimization.
About the project
General stuff
Display UI with movie select, screen, seats, legend & seat info
Users can select a movie/price
The number of selected seats and the final price will update
Seats will have 5 states: unoccupied, occupied, blocked for distancing, selected.
Preblocked state meant to be converted to a blocked on "buy" event.
Users can select/deselect seats
Users can not select occupied seats
Next and previous seats to selected one must be "preblocked" on the stage of selecting to show what seats will be blocked to save distance when you buy selected seats
Problocks should be cleared on deselection
So the main ideas here are:
Clients can select as many seats in a row as they want (assuming that one group of people do not need any "save distancing" between them)
Clients will see that their seats will be surrounded by blocked seats after purchase (preblocked seats)