Artem Tarasenko


Front-end developer


My name is Artem and for the past several years I was working tightly with React, hooks, FP components, writing code with modern features up to ES6+ and Typescript.\nI have worked with Rest and GraphQL API's , Jest, Token auth, OAuth, and different state libraries but mostly with Recoil and Redux.\nNevertheless, initially, I started my career by completing full-stack MERN dev BootCamp. With that knowledge, I created a couple of commercial full-stack apps (React, GraphCMS, and MongoDB), so I'm familiar with full-stack development as well.\nRight now I work as a part of a fully-remote team (Jira, Slack, Miro etc) and my current stack is React, Typescript, RESTful/GraphQL API, and Jest.

Working experience

Macroactive, Ltd ▪ Auckland▪ New Zealand

Frontend developer

07/2021 – present

Working on a project to replace legacy platform with React app using
the following tech: ES6, Ts, Tailwind, JSS, Sass, Recoil, Rest Api, GraphQL Api, Io-ts

  • Researched and created proof-of-concept mobile apps for Micro-frontends with Single-SPA and Webpack Module Federation.
  • Researched and created proof-of-concept mobile apps for Expo and React Native with updates over the air.
  • Impacted the company’s time-to-revenue KPI by creating react SPA (uploading and processing videos) for the onboarding department.

Primorsky Aquarium ▪ Vladivostok ▪ Russia

React developer

07/2020 –10/2021

With the completion of a bootcamp, started using React on a daily basis => React, JS, ES6+, Express.js, Node.js, EJS, RESTful API, GraphCMS, React router.

  • Designed and built SPA to generate device's content (basically flat-file website generator) using EJS templates and filling them with data from DB via REST Api (see "Species DB" app project on my personal website for further info)

Primorsky Aquarium ▪ Vladivostok ▪ Russia

Interactive media developer

08/2017 –07/2020

The Primorsky Aquarium, as a big scientific and exhibits center, has hundreds of devices installed in its exhibits areas that contain various web applications with information for visitors. My role in the company is to maintain and improve existing applications as well as develop new ones to improve visitors' experience.

  • Designed and built an application to generate device's content
    (basically website generator) using EJS templates and filling them with data from DB via REST Api (see "Species DB" app project on my personal website for further info)
  • Support of existing applications as well as improvement of their features.
  • Communication with the users regarding local web application improvement.








Tailwind CSS

Tailwind CSS

Vanilla JS

Vanilla JS









Next Js

Next Js

Express Js

Express Js

Mongo DB

Mongo DB


Far Eastern State University ▪ Vladivostok ▪ Russia

Applied Computer Science ▪ Master's Degree

08/2005 – 07/2010


The Complete 2020 Web Development Bootcamp ▪ Certificate


Soft Skills

I am flexible.

One of my strong points is that I can adjust to my working environment, be either a responsible self-manageable worker or an attentive team player.

I am creative.

That is the reason why I am doing it. This is a perfect way to combine sophisticated rules of order and the marvelous beauty of creation.

I am passionate to learn

I have always been fascinated with web technologies, design, and websites. I want to know more, do more, learn more. This is the reason why I decided to learn new trade after years of following a different path.

Well, there is a lot more, namely determination, the ability to listen for someone's ideas and deliver mine, good problem-solving skills, and so on, but ultimately I am just a guy how wants to do what he likes.