getStaticProps & getStaticPaths

2 important functions of Next.js that are meant for a server-side generation. Here is an example of how to use it.

SSR gets content on the server at a build-time and renders a static page with it.

export async function getStaticPaths() {
//get list of entities
  const { data: {snippets} } = await client.query(
    {query: gql`{snippets { slug } }`}

//make an object that is needed for a getStaticProps and add our data there.
  const paths = => ({params: {slug: item.slug}}));
  return { paths, fallback: false }

export async function getStaticProps( {params} ) {
//the query separately
  const graphQuery = gql`
    query GetSinglePostQuery($slug: String) { 
        snippets(where: {slug: $slug}) {
            content {

// API request
const { data: { snippets: [snippet] } } = await client.query(
  {query: graphQuery, variables: {slug: params.slug}}

//here is a good place to modify data before passing it to the page for a render

return { props: {data: snippet} }

getStaticPaths query for specific data, form an object and automatically passes it to a getStaticProps, where it's received, destructured, and used for a bunch of queries (one for a single entity passed from getStaticPaths).

The result of getStaticProps is an object with data for each snippet (queried based on an array of slugs from getStaticPaths).